




戴眼镜和安全帽的newbb电子平台安全工作人员你的眼睛自然受到保护,基本上位于一个中空的眼窝里.  不幸的是尽管, 我们的世界有很多现代危险, 需要一点额外的保护.


  • Fogging -温度波动会导致眼镜起雾. 看看 newbb电子平台安全的MAX6™技术!
  • 化学溅 – Numerous industrial chemicals can affect a worker’s eye. 护目镜的设计是为了防止液体和化学物质溅到眼睛区域
  • Dust -建筑工地, 锯应用程序, workshops and woodworking can be extremely dusty; a nuisance to one’s vision
  • -为避免触电,工作人员必须佩戴不含金属部件的介电眼镜
  • 坠落或掉落物体 工地有很多松散和不安全的材料
  • Heat – Industrial environments are known to get a little hot. Welding Heat, Hot Furnace operations, and outside humidity
  • Impact – contact from chips, flying particles, material and metal, wood chips. 许多工业应用都可能导致这种情况:
    • Chipping, Drilling, Hammering, Grinding, metalworking, Sanding and Sawing.
  • 紫外线辐射 – All of newbb电子平台安全’s protective eyewear styles block out 99.9%有害紫外线
  • Welding – Radiant energy, harmful sparks and flying particles are a constant threat
  • 强风 – winds can easily cause many materials to become hazardous
  • 摆动的对象 – tree limbs, chains, tools or ropes are always a potential concern

All of newbb电子平台安全’s protective eyewear must meet or exceed the ANSI Z87.区分两个冲击等级的1-2015标准- Z87标志表示的基本冲击或Z87+标志表示的高冲击. This standard ensures your eyes are protected from hazardous conditions. 在newbb电子平台安全,我们在高速试验机上测试了所有款式的眼镜,以确保它们能阻挡每秒150英尺的钢球.

“The eye is the jewel of the body” - Henry David Thoreau.

Well, newbb电子平台安全 wants everyone to keep the natural jewels given to them at birth! 我们生产安全眼镜,保护无数辛勤工作的人们免受最危险的工作环境. 从一个建筑工地, 去机械车间, 一直到炼油厂, 我们的安全眼镜可以防止眼镜受伤.

When it comes to being protected at work from the above hazards mentioned, 每个雇员都有受保护的权利. OSHA的1910.133(a)(1)护眼标准 规定雇主应确保每个受影响的员工在暴露于眼睛或面部危害时使用适当的眼睛或面部保护.

你可能会想, 为什么newbb电子平台安全提供这么多不同的款式, 功能和镜头选择? 首先也是最重要的是,我们从1984年就开始生产安全眼镜了. 拥有超过30年的经验, 我们知道每个行业都有特定的应用需要不同的保护. Second, we know our customers want new, fresh and updated stylish eyewear styles. 正如一位客户曾经告诉我们的那样,“用户至少每两年就会不断寻找一种新的风格. 市场上的新款式。”. 我们的目标是取悦,这就是为什么我们不断开发新的眼镜设计和风格. Our new eyewear styles are winning new product of the year awards too. The Force Flex 2 style was awarded new product of the year back in 2010! You can read more about it in the Flexible Technology feature section. Our Dominator style won new product of the year in 2016! You will find the Dominator across several feature pages.


Protective eyewear is available in a variety of lenses. 这些色调不仅仅是装饰性的, but are designed to enhance the workers vision under various lighting conditions. 通过每个镜片的可见光量及其对视力的影响是重要的购买因素


可见光透过率(VLT), 通过介质(在这种情况下是透镜)的可见光量很重要. ANSI, 美国国家标准协会, provides guidelines for Clear and filter plano (non-prescription) lenses in its Z87.1 - 2015版. For instance, the VLT of a Clear lens must be between 85% and 100%. Be sure to click on each color to see all of what newbb电子平台安全 has to offer.

  •  透明- 90%的光被透射

    The remainder of light is blocked by the coating on the glass. A clear lens provides excellent optics for general applications. 几乎所有行业, 它是最受欢迎的镜头,因为它允许大部分光线通过镜头,而不会扭曲可见的颜色光谱. 它还能吸收99%.9%的紫外线辐射.

  •  琥珀色——80%的光透过

    琥珀色在最大对比度增强方面非常出色,特别是在弱光情况下. 这种镜片几乎阻挡了所有的紫光和蓝光(ISO 12312-1 @ 94%阻挡),通过增强明亮的颜色来强调视觉对比. Amber is also great because it makes objects “pop” out when you view them, 哪一个是检验工作的最佳选择.

  •  浅蓝色- 68%的光被传输

    This lens reduces glare from artificial light such as halogen and fluorescent. Light blue is another option for those wanting outdoor lens

  •  橙色——57%的光通过

    Reduces eye fatigue by absorbing blue (ISO 12312-1 @ 91% blockage) and green light. Orange enhances visual contrast to improve depth perception. It is an excellent choice for indoor and low light applications; cloudy or hazy days

  •  朱红色- 55%的光透射

    This lens reduces the light proportional to the way your eye sees it. It reduces all colors equally allowing for optimum color recognition.

  •  Indoor/Outdoor Brown Mirror - 50% of light is transmitted

    这种镜头区分颜色,同时减少眩光和户外应用的亮度. Meets the traffic signal recognition requirements of ANSI Z80.3. “镜子”涂层反射光,减少通过透镜的光量. 通常用于建筑或户外,阳光和眩光会导致眼睛疲劳.

  •  Indoor/Outdoor Clear Mirror - 36% of light is transmitted

    透明镜头与银镜涂层在外面. It provides the same protection and serves the same purpose as the grey lens, however, allows more visible light through and may be used indoors. 这种镜片最适合工人从内到外, 比如叉车司机, for reducing glare from artificial light such as halogen and florescent. 镜头不是过渡的

  •  灰色- 13%的光传输

    Gray lens reduce the amount of light that passes through the lens. 灰色通常用于建筑或户外,在那里阳光和眩光会导致眼睛疲劳.

  •  棕色(B) -透射光的13%

    Distinguishes color while reducing glare and brightness for outdoor applications. Meets the traffic signal recognition requirements of ANSI Z80.棕色通常用于建筑或户外,在那里阳光和眩光会导致眼睛疲劳.

  • 镜像选项-  Silver,  Blue,  Fire,  Emerald, and  蓝色的钻石 - 9%-13%的光被传输

    These lens offer a grey lens with Mirrored coating on the outside. “镜子”涂层反射光,减少通过透镜的光量. 它通常用于建筑或户外,阳光和眩光会导致眼睛疲劳.


Sunlight has a profound effect on the skin causing premature skin aging, 皮肤癌, 还有一系列的皮肤变化. 暴露在紫外线下, UVA或UVB, from sunlight accounts for 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging. Many skin changes that were commonly believed to be due to aging, 比如容易擦伤, are actually a result of prolonged exposure to UV radiation. 太阳发出紫外线辐射,我们根据波长将其分为几类.

  • UVC - 100 ~ 290 nm
  • UVB - 290 ~ 320 nm
  • UVA - 320至400纳米


紫外线辐射几乎完全被臭氧层吸收,不影响皮肤. 紫外线辐射可以在人造光源中发现,如汞灯和杀菌灯.


中波紫外线影响皮肤的外层, 表皮, 也是造成晒伤的主要原因. 在上午10点到下午2点之间,阳光最明亮,这种情况最强烈. 它在夏季也更强烈,占一个人一年中波紫外线剂量的70%. UVB不能穿透玻璃.


UVA was once thought to have a minor effect on skin damage, but now studies are showing that UVA is a major contributor to skin damage. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin and works more efficiently. 长波紫外线的辐射强度比中波紫外线更稳定,在白天和全年没有变化. 长波紫外线也不能被玻璃过滤.

All of our polycarbonate lenses found in our Crews eyewear styles block out 99.在400纳米(nm)以下的有害紫外线范围内发现9%的有害紫外线辐射.


Our faceshields are made of either PETG or polycarbonate. PETG提供高达320 nm的100%紫外线防护. 聚碳酸酯屏蔽层提供高达360纳米的100%紫外线防护,并阻挡高达380纳米的紫外线约96%.

我们认可我们的面罩是二级保护,应该戴在安全眼镜之外, 提供99.9 percent UV protection in the harmful range up to 400 nm.

newbb电子平台安全’s protective eyewear styles are designed for great fit, outstanding comfort and the highest level of protection. 员工可以从众多选项中进行选择, as everyone faces slightly different hazards and have slightly different needs. 我们的安全眼镜包括偏光眼镜, 军用弹道样式, 小的风格, 风格w/线芯技术, 柔性技术, 6倍更大的防雾样式, 3倍更好的防刮风格和许多其他.

Let us help you protect what matters most, your natural jewels. 让newbb电子平台安全帮助保护您的眼睛! 看看 the many different features we offer by visiting the below feature pages.

保护眼睛 专注行业领先技术


newbb电子平台安全MAX 6


MAX6™ technology offers 6x greater Anti-Fog Protection without sacrificing style and comfort.


newbb电子平台安全放大器 enhance the wearer's overall vision. This technology allows one to see more precisely and closer to the fine print!


A polarized lens blocks out glare from above and reflected light from below.


飞扬的瓦砾残片, dirt, 灰尘和飞溅的物质会损害你的视力,并造成危险,这些都可以通过适当的密封眼镜保护来避免.



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